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ALIGARH: 18-11-2018
Reunion event organized at Industrial Chemistry

The Industrial Chemistry Division of Department of Chemistry organized a Reunion- cum-Alumni Meet.

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18-11-2018 Reunion event organized at Industrial Chemistry

The Industrial Chemistry Division of Department of Chemistry organized a Reunion- cum-Alumni Meet.

ALIGARH November 16: Looking back at the past generally evokes a sensational feeling and people become nostalgic about their past, especially about their student days. The former students of the Industrial Chemistry Section, Department of Chemistry, Aligarh Muslim University, recently had the opportunity to re-live their 'good old days' at a Reunion-cum-Alumni Meet, "ALLIES 2K18". More than thirty alumni, most of them from corporate sectors, participated in the memorable event.

The chief guest, Mr Ahmad Nadeem Khan (2002 batch), currently with BASF India Ltd, Mumbai, while recalling his days at AMU, said there has been a tremendous infrastructure development on the campus. He urged the students to take their career plans seriously and work hard to achieve their goal.

Mr Zubair Ahmad (Manager Quality Assurance, Teva Pharmaceuticals, Noida) and Mr Tariq Nawaz (Manager, Uflex Chemicals, Noida) graced the occasion as special guests while Mr Mohit Gupta (Manager, PPC Siegwerk India Pvt Ltd) and Mr Salimur Rahman (Assistant Manager, Siegwerk) were the guests of honor.

The visiting alumni, while taking active part in the session on curriculum development, emphasized the need for including components like managerial skill, soft skills, chemical handling and industrial safety in the curriculum. They highlighted the latest trends in industry and urged the University to consider these developments while revising the course structure and syllabus.

The alumni engaged students in a question-answer session and guided them how to prepare for a job interview.

Prof Sartaj Tabassum, Chairperson, Department of Chemistry said that industrial chemistry students are excelling in studies and career as a number of students have secured admissions with full scholarship in premier foreign universities including Tohoku University (Japan), Deakin University (Australia), University of Paris (France), Nankai University (China) and Newcastle University (UK) while some students of M Sc recently completed Summer Internship at the University Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia.

Earlier, welcoming the guests, Prof Anees Ahmad, Coordinator, Industrial Chemistry, presented a brief report of the section while Dr Mohammad Zain Khan, Assistant Professor, proposed the vote of thanks.

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Aligarh Muslim University